
Request Method: GET

Description: Retrieves details of a Call/SMS/Email Flow


The following parameters can be sent in the querystring

ParameterDescriptionDefault ValueData TypeMandatory
vAPI version to use
flow_nameThe Flow title you want to retrieve the details from
flow_typeThe type of the Flow you want to retrieve the details from. Can be Call, SMS or Email


Error Result

HTTP CodeError StringResolution
400API Version EmptyAdd a value for the v parameter in the query string
400API Version InvalidCorrect v parameter
400Request Method must be GET. x attemptedSwitch request method x to GET
400Flow Doesn't existCorrect the flow_name and flow_type parameters
500Internal Server ErrorRetry later

Success Call Flow Result

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <callFlow name="Call Agent" notes="Will Call the agent, can be used for every agent in my account.">
        <call id="call_1" label="Call" destinationPhoneNumber="?" destinationContactId="?" record="true" sendCallAlert="NONE"></call>

Please refer to the Callflow XML documentation  for the element details.

Success SMS Flow Result

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <smsFlow name="SMS Agent" notes="Will forward the SMS to the agent.">
        <sendSms id="1" label="Send SMS" from="$_smsOrigin" smsTemplateName="Default SMS Forward" destinationContactId="?" destinationPhoneNumber="?" />

Please refer to the SMS Flow XML documentation for the details.